
I'm TOO bitter to think of a creative title for this.

Way to many things run though my head when the sun goes down. And luckily for me (not.), the sun sets way to early in the winter. I'm stuck now, awake at almost 5am, thinking of my choices, the people involved with them, and the things being left behind. I wonder who else is awake with a wondering mind right now. God I hope theres no wondering hearts.. Eventually I will wake up, and have no regrets. Eventually I will no longer fear what I do now, and I will be able to live again. I wish I had more patience. I wish that there was some way you could see into my mind, so this wouldn't be as horrible on my part. But at least your not the one who is up, at almost 5am, with the same thoughts in your mind, and clearly, not in your heart.

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